Hydrogen: Nature’s Friend
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The UK policymaker is serious about meeting its carbon-neutral goals and since natural gas is a major contributor to carbon emissions, low carbon alternatives such as hydrogen are likely going to be its replacement in the coming years. Why is it important to have an alternative to gas boilers? One of the major causes of global warming is the production of greenhouse gases through the burning of fossil fuels, like natural gas. These gases couldn’t escape the atmosphere and instead remain trapped, causing the earth’s temperature to develop. In response to this global climate emergency, in 2016, at the accord on Climate Change in Paris, the UK policymaker, together with the world’s largest economies agreed to tackle global warming by becoming carbon neutral by 2050.
As a consequence, traditional heating methods, which currently account for one-third of UK carbon emissions, are at the heart of the policymaker’s low carbon agenda and change is inevitable. Low carbon heating methods are an essential ingredient to achieving the targets; this includes technologies such as heat drives, solar, biomass, and the adoption of hydrogen boilers. Residential boilers have already been the target of substantial legislation, including a ban on non-condensing boilers, rendering all new boilers at nearly 90% efficient, as well as a complete ban on gas boilers in all new build properties from 2025. On top of this, hydrogen could have a large and developing addressable market. In fact, about 45% of energy-related greenhouse gasses could be decarbonized. (1) One of the biggest features of hydrogen is that it only means changing to fuel supply, so it is much easier and quicker to roll out nationwide! The emergence of hydrogen boiler is undeniably rampant but it’s just getting started. Explore and find out hydrogen rocks in the global market, take a closer look right here!
Hydrogen technologies have experienced cycles of excessive anticipations followed by disillusion. Nonetheless, an improving body of evidence suggests these technologies form an attractive option for the deep decarbonization of global energy systems, and that recent improvements in their cost and performance point towards economic viability as well. Improved insulation, residential or communal thermal storage, and more efficient conversion devices could reduce peak requirements, but require strong regulation which has not been forthcoming. Alternative low carbon options such as electrification or district heating could meet peak heat potential demand, but large infrastructural speculations might be required, and a decarbonized gas-based approach could be more cost-effective. Hence, progress in decarbonizing heating has lagged severely behind other sectors.
For instance, the UK relies heavily on natural gas and is likely to miss its 2020 target for renewable heat. It could only achieve emission reductions from buildings and industry of around 20% by 2030, compared to an overall target of approx. 57%. Moreover, these other realms claim that their patented zero-emissions hydrogen boiler system could help decarbonize the roughly $30 billion global commercial and industrial heating industry. (2) Hydrogen could be a sustainable energy system to provide secure, cost-effective, and non-polluting energy! It opens new avenues to meet future energy needs. This could be the ideal moment to stand up and lift the banner of a greener living!
Successful innovation requires focused, predictable, and consistent energy policy, which is probably the single greatest challenge in realizing the hydrogen and fuel cell potential. Stop-go policies and frequent, unforeseen policy changes undermine the confidence that markets and industry need to make long-term speculation in low-carbon technologies such as hydrogen and fuel cells. Countries might develop a system of policy support for hydrogen and fuel cell technologies that offers the long-term stability needed for large, transformative speculation to be made. Implementation of this newest breakthrough could make a worldwide transformation! It’s time to venture into a sustainable energy system that you could always count on, reading this article might make you believe that everything could be possible!
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Source 1: https://heatable.co.uk/boiler-advice/hydrogen-boilers
Source 2: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2019/ee/c8ee01157e